Thursday, August 31, 2006

I have ALOT of pens.........and I lose them.

Every semester, I start off with about 50 pens (thats like 5 packs), and somewhere in the middle of the year (or sometimes the semester) I need to buy more.

What happens to my pens? I swear I always pick them up and put them down in the same spot when I'm using them. I know to always put them back in the same pocket in my bookbag after use. It's routine, and I don't screw up routine....not often enough to lose 50 pens at least.

You know, I actually never had this problem at my 2 other wasn't until I moved to Philly that my pens just randomly disappeared.

So I'll be sitting in class and I go to grab for a pen to take some notes and BAM, that pocket is empty with nothing but lint and weird debris on the bottom of it. Infuriated with anger I tend to look around and notice that many of my classmates use the same "Paper Mate medium point" dark gray pens.

Is this a conspiracy? I think not. But I do plan on setting up mini surveilance cameras around my seat when I leave for a bathroom break, and yes, I will set one up on the back of my neck to monitor all those walking behind me trying to reach into my backback and take what is rightfully mine.

I may only be one step behind them but I assure you....this year....I'm going to be one step ahead, and I will re-claim my 2,744 Paper Mate medium points before I graduate.


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